Non-Spermicidal Sterile Lubricating JellyFormulated exclusively for the veterinarian for all gynecological procedures requiring a sterile and non-spermicidal lubricating jelly. Easy to use flip-top tubes.142g Tube
Energy, respiratory system and joints are three essential elements for horse’s performances
Myristol è stato appositamente formulato come un supplemento efficace e ad ampio spettro per sostenere la salute delle articolazioni vostri cavalli Secchiello 30 Dosi (Kg 2,27)
Original Ball Solution MacTarnahan's is a tincture for horses that gives relief to the ligaments, tendons and aching muscles, tense and tired.
Pneumo Go is a synergistic complex effective as an adjuvant for respiratory diseases.It helps to thin and to drain, supporting the animal prolonged effort.Box 6 bottles of 20ml
M.S.M. (methylsulfonylmetane) is natural source of bioavailable nutritional sulfur which provides for sulfur.
A unique combination that has proven its efficacy in clinical studies in horses (Gupta 2009) compared to chondroitin sulphate/glucosamine. A combination of a revolutionary patented undenatured collagen type II (as opposed to hydrolysed collagen) and MSM. Pack siza 600g
Ointment for Horses Plus by Terra di Cuma is a horse liniment for arthritis recommended for breast, joints, muscels and tendons. 1Kg Jar
Suitable for all types of horses and especially for those engaged in physical activity, convalescence, pregnancy and parturition, and in all those situations that require a considerable effort in terms of energy requirements.