Action moisturizing and astringent. It is suitable for application on joints and tendons after training and competitions or as maintenance on the parties concerned by heat and swelling 5,68kg Bucket
Phyto-synergistic, soothing and moisturizingFormulated bio-available, for refreshing, astringent, soothing and moisturizing. Adjuvant in the recovery of the physiological well-being of tendons, ligaments and muscles.It absorbs and releases substances hydro and lipo-soluble and is able to exchange the precious minerals and active ingredients.bucket 5000ml
Antiseptic, moisturizer, for everyday use and as an adjunct in the treatment of wounds and 300g
Ointment for Horses Plus by Terra di Cuma is a horse liniment for arthritis recommended for breast, joints, muscels and tendons. 1Kg Jar
Heals skin cream, rich in natural substances adjuvant in the treatment of injuries and secreting skin areas moist. Assists in case of irritation, abrasions and wounds. Ease recovery and elasticity of the affected areas.500ml jar
Used in “pastoral issues back”, protective, astringent and absorbent, is also used for occlusive dressings.
Original Ball Solution MacTarnahan's is a tincture for horses that gives relief to the ligaments, tendons and aching muscles, tense and tired.